A Writer's Library

Welcome to my corner for my original fictional stories written outside of FGF~

I have sorted my stories based on the estimated size, with the exception of Special Series and Collections.Novels&Novellas tend to be multiple chapters stories, with novels being longer ones. Short Stories&Flash Fictions tend to be single chapter stories, with flash fiction being shorter or a single scene.Special series expand on existing stories (What If scenarios, additional scenes, files, etc). Collections are collections of scenes or flash fictions with no tie to existing stories.

Mystic Quest

Genre: Fantasy, adventure, friendship, light romance.Rating: 13+ (teens&adults).Released: March 2016 to September 2016.

A world full of demons. A prophecy. The start of a journey for better days, where the outcome is not certain. Will it be the good end, or the bad end..?(But Fate has been playing its cards for a long time, and not all is as clear as it seems...)

Bonds of Fate

Genre: Vampire, friendship, fantasy.Rating: 13+ (teens&adults).Released: Arc 1 (prologue to Ch8) from April&May 2021. Arc 2 to come.

One ran away from a family that has never been one. One leaves behind a family that will mourn the death of a human. One has never sought to have a family, afraid of loosing
The bond lying in wait within their blood, and the bonds that will create within their
hearts, lead them to a fate of their own design, and the Vampire world will forever be

White World

Genre: Adventure, friendship, light fantasy.Rating: 13+ (teens&adults).Released: April 2016.Note: The first summary I made was longer, you will find it with the "Story Info" file!

The dreams started after Eira reached her 25th birthday, icy blue eyes mesmerizing her and silky voice calling that she comes to the North Ice Pole. Visions of light brown sand and teal waters, of much more green that she ever believed possible."Do you desire this for humanity? Yes? Then come young one, prove to me your will. Survive this harsh planet, find my domain, and give me proof humanity has learned."

Angel's Rest

Genre: Slice of life, LGBTQ+, friendship, romance.Rating: 13+ (teens&adults).Released: June 2016.Note: The story info file has some important notes to check out!

Angel's Rest, a mysterious place where all are welcomed. You will find Angel's Rest if you need it, and you will never notice the oddities inside. Yet, the most important part will be achieved: your mind and heart will be soothed, sadness shared and advises given.So many tales have passed through Angel's Rest. Come, and hear about four of those.

Wish's Promise

Genre: Magic&Genie, Friendship (can be interpreted as romance), LGBTQ+.Rating: Suited for all.Released: April 2019.

A lamp in the middle of a treasure, legends flashing in the mind, but no, these are just legends. Right?Wrong.Wishes aren't what the heart truly desires, and promises are born.

Nightly Visitor

Genre: General, first meeting, light humor.Rating: Suited for all.Released: February 2020.

A thief in need of a hiding place,
an open window,
all is good then,
except the flat's owner wakes up.

Take Flight

Genre: General, fantasy.Rating: Suited for all.Released: March 2016.

A single scene, of one who returns to the sky.

Simply Together

Genre: Romance, LGBTQ+.Rating: Suited for all.Released: April 2016.

Brown eyes blinked in surprise as the young man paused in the middle of drinking from his glass. "Did you just ask me out?"Or, how to prepare your date, by a brunet and a raven haired.

Getting a new madness

Genre: Humor, science fiction.Rating: Suited for all.Released: January 2017.

One crazy scientist, an assistant who has long given up trying to remain sane, and we end up with a weird experiment.

Genre: General.Rating: Suited for all.Released: January 2021.

Five poems I wrote for high school I found while tidying my room, that I decided to share!

At present time, I haven't had the time to work on the Special Series I've had solid ideas for, but sooner or later I will!So stay tuned and here's are the solid ideas I have!

- Author's commentary speaking of certain characters and how they relate to Love in various forms

- What happens after the final chapter of Mystic Quest, what the protagonists choose to do, and more insight on the worldbuilding (will be called Mystic Quest: Return&Roots)

Scenes of Two Males

Genre: Slice of life, friendship, humor.Rating: Suited for all, 13+ (teens&adults) to be safe.This collection is one that, at present time, I consider indefinitely on-going: if the inspiration strikes, there will be new scenes!

Orion and Odin, two best friends.Follow their everyday life!This series is based on the idea of writing scenes of the life of two characters, but without asking
myself about the settings; so the characters and settings develop through the scenes, but never fully set anything in stone!

Pick your Scare

Genre: Supernatural, mystery, light horror.Rating: 13+ (teens&adults).Released: October 2018.

The time is near, the month of fright is nearing it's climax, so gather around, and hear my tales.